Down to the Wire
At my age, many holiday traditions have faded as both my family and Ken’s family have scattered over the years and I’ve outlived the core of my wonderful Kalamazoo extended family (I’m working on finding the next one). When these traditions get established, they seem that they might last forever, but I am old enough to know that life is fluid and ever-changing, that traditions evolve and sometimes disappear. For me and I hope for you, the bakery helps maintain some continuity and reassurance over the years. Babka dough reappears, Russian tea cookies melt in my mouth and Christmas tree butter cookies turn my tongue green. (I know, we haven’t brought Yule logs back yet, but maybe by next year). We love making products that contribute to your traditions.
With the injection of Alec’s energy and creativity, and the fabulous staff that we have been able to keep and attract, we are introducing some new products, getting better at old ones, and keeping traditions fresh and lively. In particular, we’ve gotten lots better at forming and baking chocolate Babka, brought back Chocolate/cherry Galettes, improved Chrusciki (Angel Wings), gotten better at baking Stollen. Watch Alec trying to keep up with the demand for Chocolate Babka. He also did a great job at production planning so we are not likely to run out of things. Yes, we ran out of stuffing at Thanksgiving but we made more, lots more, so there is plenty. Don't forget that we also have Chutney and Chicken Stock. (What kind of bakery sells the chicken stock?)
Chocolate Babka waiting to be baked
Stop and see us at the bakery Monday through Friday this week I will be sending a list of holiday products in a second email. I have discovered that I can’t attach it to this one.
An important note:
We will be closed from 3:00 pm on Christmas Eve and will re-open 7:30 am Monday, January 3rd. That way we get to spend time with our families after the busy holiday season.
See you soon,